Examples of active to passive voice

Examples of active to passive voice

Examples of active to passive voice : Active voice and passive voice are two different ways to express the same idea. In an active sentence, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in a passive sentence, the subject receives the action.

Examples of active and passive voice for practice

Active voice is generally preferred in writing as it makes the sentence more concise and direct. However, passive voice can be useful when the focus is on the action rather than who performed it. In this context, it can be helpful to know how to convert from active to passive voice, and vice versa. In this article, we will provide some examples of active to passive voice conversions in question and answer format.

A morning study session : English Grammar-Tense

  1. Q: Who wrote the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
  2. A: The book “To Kill a Mockingbird” was written by Harper Lee.
  3. Q: Who invented the telephone?
  4. A: The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
  5. Q: Who designed the iPhone?
  6. A: The iPhone was designed by Apple Inc.
  7. Q: Who cooked the dinner last night?
  8. A: The dinner last night was cooked by my mom.
  9. Q: Who made the decision to cancel the event?
  10. A: The decision to cancel the event was made by the organizing committee.
  11. Q: Who is teaching the English class?
  12. A: The English class is being taught by Ms. Smith.
  13. Q: Who discovered America?
  14. A: America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
  15. Q: Who sang the national anthem at the game?
  16. A: The national anthem at the game was sung by John Legend.
  17. Q: Who prepared the report for the meeting?
  18. A: The report for the meeting was prepared by the research team.
  19. Q: Who founded Microsoft?
  20. A: Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates.
  21. Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?
  22. A: The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
  23. Q: Who directed the movie “The Godfather”?
  24. A: The movie “The Godfather” was directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

25 Active Voice Examples /Sentences 

  1. The dog chased the cat.
  2. I cooked dinner for my family.
  3. She wrote a new song for the concert.
  4. The teacher graded the exams.
  5. The company launched a new product.
  6. He fixed the leaky faucet in the kitchen.
  7. The children played soccer in the park.
  8. We attended the movie premiere last night.
  9. She designed a new logo for the company.
  10. He built a treehouse in the backyard.
  11. The doctor performed the surgery on the patient.
  12. The student asked the teacher a question.
  13. The artist painted a beautiful landscape.
  14. The company hired a new employee for the position.
  15. The chef cooked a delicious meal for the guests.
  16. The athlete broke the world record in the race.
  17. The singer performed a new song on stage.
  18. The writer published a new book last week.
  19. The mechanic fixed the engine in the car.
  20. The teacher taught a lesson on Shakespeare.
  21. The swimmer won a gold medal at the Olympics.
  22. The construction workers built a new skyscraper.
  23. The politician gave a speech to the audience.
  24. The programmer developed a new software application.
  25. The photographer took a stunning photograph of the landscape.

100 English sentences commonly used in daily conversation

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